Engineering Department

Westmont Engineering致力于将专业努力与ag娱乐官网经验相结合.

西蒙特工程项目由基督教教师讲授,他们是各自领域的专家. 我们的课程强调动手主动学习和以设计为导向的体验,使技术内容栩栩如生.

新的Westmont建筑为工程项目提供了令人难以置信的创客空间和工程学生休息室. Westmont's location in Santa Barbara, California is one of the most beautiful places to live, 研究, 和工作. 毕业生们不用费劲就能找到好工作.

Our program is distinctive in many ways.

Westmont Engineering is built around 三个 柱子.


Academics Icon

EXCELLENCE IN TECHNICAL ENGINEERING TRAINING learned in small classes, focused on HANDS-ON ACTIVE LEARNING, with professors that are very engaged with their students

STEM icon


A message from program director, Dan Jensen

专业 & 度

Major in Engineering

Westmont’s B.S. 在工程促进专业化,就业机会和研究生院. To the Christian liberal arts, 我们添加了坚实的数学和科学基础与深入的内容,在所有关键, technical engineering areas. 基督教专家教授小班授课(平均10人),学生在实践中学习,并了解教授. 亲自动手,以设计为导向的体验将技术内容带入生活.

我们专注于工程设计和创新,因为设计将工程与其他技术学科区分开来. 工程师创造(设计)产品、流程和服务来帮助人们. 作为基督徒,我们努力去爱人,帮助他们过更好的生活. 设计创新(DI)在多个课程中发挥着核心作用:

  • Engineering and the Liberal Arts (first year)
  • Junior Design
  • 高级顶点设计(两个学期)专注于行业赞助的项目.


基督教文科帮助毕业生在他们的职业生涯中脱颖而出. While engineering practice requires great technical competence, 工程行业越来越需要深思熟虑和基督教文科所教授的技能:领导力, 团队合作, conflict-management, interpersonal skills, 同理心, negotiation and written and oral communication skills.

Westmont Engineering将专业努力与信念融为一体. We creatively design things to improve people’s lives, 这与基督“爱人如己”的命令是一致的. 22:39). Our junior design course emphasizes designing for service.

I SPEAK GEEK | Egineering at Westmont

Engineering Career Paths

Interested in pursuing a career in Engineering?

工科毕业生在各行各业都能找到巨大的机会 such as design, 能源, sustainability, environmental resources, 机器人, automation, vehicle design, aeronautics, 空间, manufacturing and the internet of things (IoT).

工程学仍然是这个国家发展最快的专业之一, with demand in the job market for engineers soaring. 圣巴巴拉县的许多行业都雇佣工程师, 威斯蒙特大学工程专业的学生将在大学期间找到丰富的实习机会,并在毕业后找到工作. 妇女和少数民族的机会尤其丰富.

Explore Engineering Graduates' Career Paths

Meet The 教师





Learn More ag娱乐官网 Engineering 教师

Fletcher Jones Foundation Center for Engineering

New State-of-the-Art Engineering Facility





Learn More ag娱乐官网 Engineering 教师

Engineering Opportunities

研究 & Internships

威斯蒙特大学的工程专业学生可以通过实习获得实际经验,这也可以算作选修课的学分. Like all Westmont students, 工程专业的学生有机会与教授一起进行研究或追求自己的项目和想法. 这种实践经验为他们从事工程工作和读研做好了准备.



Discover 研究 & Internship Opportunities

Education Magazine Top 10 Engineering Schools Cover Story

The 10 Elite Engineering Colleges of 2023 Cover Story

"Westmont College, with its rich history spanning more than 85 years, 已经成为一个机构,以其坚定不移的承诺,学术卓越交织着对上帝的深爱."

Read Article

Engineering department cutting ribbon for new building

A New Home for Engineering


“我们把我们的技术能力和基督教文科教育的基础结合起来,以耶稣的名义好好爱人们. That’s Westmont engineering.” 


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Dan Jensen Westmont Engineering Professor

Designing a Strong and Innovative Engineering Program




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Westmont Engineering in Ecuador

Young students in Ecuador learned about 科学, technology, 在学习工程和数学(STEM)的同时,还能享受到来自威斯蒙特工程设计课程的两支学生团队的乐趣.

Learn about the 2024 Ecuador Trip

Read the Westmont Magazine Article


Westmont Engineering Student Outcomes


  1. An ability to identify, formulate, 运用工程原理解决复杂的工程问题, 科学, and mathematics.
  2. 能够运用工程设计来产生满足特定需求的解决方案,同时考虑到公共卫生, 安全, and welfare, as well as global, 文化, 社会, environmental, and 经济 factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. 能够在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, 哪一个必须考虑工程解决方案在全球的影响, 经济, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. 在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. 在需要时通过适当的学习获得并应用新知识的能力


教育目标:从韦斯特蒙特工程项目毕业后的三到五年内, our graduates will:


被赋予越来越多的领导责任并参与服务, 朝着他们的就业目标和/或改善他们的ag娱乐官网前进, culture and society.


have experienced increasing effectiveness in 团队合作; establishing and demonstrating respect for diverse teams.

have applied principles of innovation, 工程专业知识和/或技术知识,在他们选择的领域具有挑战性的问题,包括努力解决社会和文化挑战,同时继续在他们的学习进步.


有否表现出坚定的承诺,以维持高度诚信的道德标准, honor and 谦卑.

have demonstrated growth in their faith, 成为耶稣一生的门徒,以慈悲影响世界, 善良, 谦卑, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12).

Pursue your calling as an engineering student at Westmont

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